模式  |  玛咖  |  羊奶粉 |  水机  | 蜂胶 | 纳豆 | 空气净化器 | 亚麻籽油 | 虫草 | 辣木 | 盐藻 | 益生菌 | 酵素 | 阿胶 | 氨糖  |  端粒酶 | 一氧化氮 | 痛风调理
发布日期:2018/1/30 发布者:wangkun-expo 共阅261次
  • 主办单位:北京爱博国际展览有限公司
  • 承办单位:北京爱博国际展览有限公司
  • 支持单位:
  • 展会地址:中国国际展览中心
  • 展馆名称:中国国际展览中心
  • 会议时间:2018/11/16至2018/1/18
  • 联 系 人:张浩
  • 电  话:15201365203
  • 传  真:
  • E-mail:15201365203@163.com
  • 网  址:
The 18th China (Beijing) International Health Industry Fair
16-18 November 2018
Beijing International Exhibition CenterInvitation
Sponsored by:
Beijing Heath Products&Cosmetics Association
Guangdong Health Food Industry Association
The Strategic Alliance for the Medical & Healthcare Industry of China
Chamber of Urban Infrastructure
Health &Retirement Working Committee of All-China Federation of Industry &Committee Asia Nutrition & Health Industry Promotion
Asia Center for the Promotion of Economic & Trade Development
Support units:
China Health Food Association Shandong Branch
Special units:
Healthy Industry Working Committee of China
Market Committee of China Anti-aging Promoting Association
Special media
China Health Care, Health Times, China Food News, Popular Health News, CCTV Health Care Channel
——国家政策支持 把握发展机遇——
Supported by national policy  Seize the developing opportunity
   健康是促进人的全面发展的必然要求,是经济社会发展的基础条件。2016年8月,中共中央政治局审议通过“?健康中国2030”规划纲要,会议强调要以提高人民健康水平为核心,以普及健康生活、优化健康服务、发展健康产业为重点,把健康融入所有政策,大幅提高健康水平。“健康中国”上升为国家战略将全面推进大健康产业发展,2013 年 10 月国务院印发《关于促进健康服务业发展的若干意见》,明确提出到 2020 年,健康服务业总规模达到 8 万亿元以上,专家认为,营养保健品在中国正逐步从高端消费品、礼品转变为膳食营养补充的必选品,预计整个行业将随之进入规模加速攀升阶段。中国营养保健食品行业将面临重大发展机遇,前景光明!
 Health is the necessary requirement for promoting the all-round development of human beings, it is also the fundamental condition of economic and social development. In August of 2016, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee examined and approved the "Healthy China 2030" plan. The meeting stressed that we should take improving the level of the people's health as the core, popularizing the healthy living, optimizing the health service and developing health industry as the key points, integrate the health in all policies and significantly raise the level of health. Putting the "Healthy China"’ plan in the position of national strategy will comprehensively promote big health industry’s development. In October of 2013, the State Council issued The Several Opinions on Promoting the Development of Health Service, where it is put forward that in 2020, the total scale of health service shall grow to over 8 trillion yuan. The experts think that nutritional and healthy products in China are gradually shifting from high-end consuming goods and gifts into daily required dietary supplements , the whole industry scale is expected to get into the accelerating phase. China’s nutritional and healthy food industry will face a major development opportunity and a bright future!
——展会规模浩大 打造旗舰盛会——
Making effort to create an enormous exhibition and a flagship event
第十八届中国国际大营养健康产业暨营养保健品博览会以“健康感动生命——Health for life”为主题、以绿色健康为宗旨,得到了相关权威部门和业界的大力支持。此次博览会预计展会面积达45000平方米,将有来自32个国家和地区的800家健康品牌企业参展,将为生产商与经销商、贸易商及终端客户提供便捷的交流平台,是厂家打开国内外市场,展示推广新产品、交流新技术的品牌盛会!历经17届的沉淀,丰富的经验、专业的运作团队、庞大的数据资源等,能为您在地区品牌宣传、开拓市场、产品推广、商贸洽谈等各方面提供最强有力的帮助。
 Taking ‘Health for life’ as the theme, creating green and healthy lifestyle as the purpose, the 18th (Beijing) International Nutrition and Health Industry Expo obtained the substantial support from relevant authorities and industries. The expo owns an exhibition area of 45,000 square meters, expected to attract 800 brand enterprises specialized in healthy products coming from 32 countries and regions, which will will provide convenient communication platform for manufacturers , dealers, traders and end users. It will make a brand event for manufacturers to open the market at home and abroad, show and promote new products and new technologies! Through 17 years’ accumulation, our rich experience, professional operation team, huge data resources and so on will provide you the most powerful support in regional brand promotion, market development, product promotion, business negotiations and other various aspects. 
——前瞻会议论坛 了解市场动态——
Attend the meeting forum  Get the market dynamic
● 2018中国健康产业发展创新高峰论坛,全面解读中国健康产业市场发展趋势。
● 2018中国中药大健康产业研发高峰论坛,探讨如何发扬中药保健品的国际优势。
● 保健品采购商企业对接会,邀请采购商与企业进行精准高效商贸对接。
● 互联网+健康产业电商交流会,解析保健品电商的发展,助力企业进驻电商渠道。
● 国家公共营养师知识讲座,提高参展商行业专业性,增强观众互动。
● 优质参展企业奖项评选大赛,提升品牌影响力,“十佳推荐品牌”“大会金奖”等奖项,具体详情请咨询大会组委会!
● 2018 China Health Industry Development and Innovation Summit Forum will present a new interpretation of the trend of China’s health industry market.
● 2018 Research and Development on TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Summit Forum will discuss how to carry forward the international advantages of TCM health care products.
● Health Care Products Buyers Matchmaking Meeting will invite buyers and companies to conduct precise and  efficient business docking.
● Internet + Health Industry E-business Communication Meeting will analyze the development of e-business in health industry, and help enterprises to use e-business channels to broaden market.
● National public nutritionists will make knowledge lectures to improve industry professionalism of exhibitors  and strengthen the audience’s interaction.
● High Quality Exhibitors Selection Competition with awards settings like “Strongly Recommended Brands” “Golden Cup Prize” and so on, please consult the organizing committee for more information. 
● 保健(功能)产品
  Functional products
  27 kinds of health care products (blue cap products),vitamin?and?mineral?supplements, marine biological products, dietary supplements, fish oil, spirulina, Q10,sporoderm-broken spores, OEM , probiotic products, etc.
● 营养健康食品
  Nutritional and healthy food
  Health care food, health care drinks, health care alcohol, functional tea, sugar free food, sports food, enzymes products, low fat/ low cholesterol food, food for special dietary uses, etc. 
● 天然滋补类产品
   Natural nourishing products
   Donkey-hide gelatin products, bee products, bird's nest, marine products, ginseng, deer antler?products, goji, nutritional supplements, Pollen products, etc.
● 中华中药养生产品
TCM products
 Raw material herbal, Chinese herbal medicine, Dendrobium,ganoderma lucidum, maca, Chinese caterpillar fungus,deer antler?products, Rhodiola?Rosea, Saffron, Drooping Clinacanthus, Chinese herbal extract,etc.
● 健康技术与服务
Health care technology and service
 TCM physical therapy, health care consulting agency, TCM brand service organization,health services,media, related association, certification bodies and so on.
● 生产包装设备
 Production & Packaging Equipment
 Food production equipment, packaging equipment, ink jet printer, , pill?making machine, pelletizer, tablet machine, packaging materials, etc.
总  机: +86 010-8327 6132                QQ/微信:2927851463
招商部经理:张浩15201365203(优先联系) 邮  箱:2927851463@qq 
提示:本信息真实性未经 保健品会议营销网证实,仅供参考,风险自负。若您有参展需求,请直接与承办单位联系。
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